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Important Considerations for Your Swanky Design Portfolio

Annotating your work in your portfolio is important because it allows you to explain your involvement in a given project. You can say more about what you've done.

Thumbnail galleries allow someone to get an overview of your work and get a sense of your body of work before diving into detail in a given project.

Screen dimensions are so important because you want to make sure your content looks good on the device potential employers are viewing your portfolio on. Ideally your site will be responsive and look good at most sizes.

The author of Creating Your Digital Portfolio has very similar recommendations to what I've learned at Parkland college when it comes to creative process. Research, sketching, creating word clouds, marination and prototyping are all mentioned.

Here is a link to what I set up on Behance : Hilary Pope Portfolio

Unfortunately there were no job listings in the Gazette or on Craigslist this week! Maybe next week?


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