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You are Who You See

Chapter 7 of Austin Kleon's "Steal Like an Artist" talks about the importance of building your own world. His point is that you should surround yourself with interesting people and experiences that foster your spirit. He encourages reading and surrounding yourself with people and objects that you like. You are literally building your world in doing these things. I absolutely agree and am constantly trying to build the best and happiest world that I can.

Your brain gets comfortable with every day life. It's important to mix it up. If you see/hear/read the same things, you'll get bored. Experiencing new things allows you to expand your knowledge and interests and it fosters your creativity. Challenge your brain by constantly trying new things and allow yourself to learn. Stretching new mental muscles gives you new strengths and keeps your mind healthy.

Living around interesting people is the best thing you can do for yourself. You will mutually feed each other's creativity. Friends with similar interests will encourage and inspire each other to create. It is a fantastically wonderful thing to surround yourself with people who inspire you because you create a culture that nurtures and helps develop your creative drive.

I just finished Paper Girls Vol. 2 on my flight to Seattle. It is an incredible graphic novel series featuring 4 paper girls in the 1980s. The starring of 4 non-sexualized females in a graphic novel is in and of itself a a feat, and the storyline does not disappoint. It's a sci-fi adventure that creates a new world unlike and we've seen before. In a world a re-boots a new and imaginative storyline feels incredibly refreshing. With the recent success of Stranger Things, I won't be at all surprised when this script gets picked up and produce.

See below my inspiration/research for the next project. These are the types of images I'm hoping for while working with our photographers.


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